A big thank you to Hillside Green Center - thanks so much Gilles Marcotte for the vegetables and flowers for the community garden. Produce will be going to the Food Bank in Quyon.
Al the great plants we received.
A big thank you to my daughter and granddaughter for helping plant.
This year I am trying something different. I have joined the community garden. We had a session in Masham and planted some seeds.
Fun workshop held in Masham - started a few plants and heard some interesting information about companion gardening - tip - plant basil with your tomato plants.
1 part compost to two parts potting soil to plant seeds. Had another meeting May 17 at the Family Center. Melissa the coordinator gave me some plants.
June 18, the soil was finally tilled and some good earth brought in. Now for the big job - moving it. A big thank you out to Danny (my son) for helping.