Saturday, June 29, 2013

Donation from Hillside Green Center

A big thank you to Hillside Green Center - thanks so much Gilles Marcotte for the vegetables and flowers for the community garden.  Produce will be going to the Food Bank in Quyon.

Al the great plants we received.

A big thank you to my daughter and granddaughter for helping plant.

Fun in the dirt!

Planting my plot June 21, 2013

My garden is planted

Community Garden

This year I am trying something different.  I have joined the community garden.  We had a session in Masham and planted some seeds.

Fun workshop held in Masham - started a few plants and heard some interesting information about companion gardening - tip - plant basil with your tomato plants.

1 part compost to two parts potting soil to plant seeds.  Had another meeting May 17 at the Family Center.  Melissa the coordinator gave me some plants.

June 18, the soil was finally tilled and some good earth brought in.  Now for the big job - moving it.  A big thank you out to Danny (my son) for helping.   

We had other help as well

Mommy's little helper.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's August - and what's in my garden

A new addition to the garden.  My neighbour surprised me with this.

The grapes are looking good - just need to ripen.

There is just not enough time in the day. Was planning on another garden but just never got around to it.

Indian corn with pumkin around it. Hope I wasn't too late planting it.

Scarlet runner.

The mixed flowers my sister planted are just starting to bloom.

The beans are ready for eating.

I planted tomato plants last year where the beans were and now I have tomato plants that grew all by themselves.

The zucchinni's are growing.

Need to harvest the basil.

The jalepeno pepper I planted that my friend Shannon gave me is doing well.

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Planted seeds today

Planted 2 rows of beans (seeds)- 1 yellow, 1 green - germination 6-14 days
seeds - Cilantro, basil (2 types), parsley (2 types), zuchinni, chives.
In pots for the kitchen - cilantro, basil and chives
Planted in flats - Scarlet Runners, two types of sunflowers
Also planted two types of sunflowers in my flower bed near the shed. - germination 14-30 days

Monday, May 30, 2011

First Planting

Had an old chest - thought it would be a good stand for some flowers.  Like the way it looks as you walk into the garden.

Used an old play structure for my entrance into the garden.  Will be planting some grapevines which in years to come will cover this structure - will take a few years though.  On the left side my son made a trellis out of slats - will take another shot of it once something is growing on it.

So far have planted some Celebrity tomatoes, Manitoba tomatoes and Cherry Roma tomatoes, some basil, summer savory and Lebanese cucumbers in this bed.

This is under the flowering crab apple tree. Day lillies.

A little rooster I picked up at a garage sale and planted some ivy in it.

Planted some mint (to help ward off mosquitos) and some flowers.
Posted by PicasaThe view as you come into my garden.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Starting the garden 2011

Well worked a bit on the garden - still lots to do......a little robin kept me company....